Aims & Scope

Journal of Arts and Humanities is a peer reviewed interdisciplinary journal that publishes empirical and theoretical research papers in the Arts and humanities such as Geography,  Educational Research, language and literature, economic management, Anthropology, Law, Religious Studies, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology, History, Philosophy, Library Studies, Performing and visual Arts, Communication and development, information science Linguistics, Museum Studies and other areas  in the arts and humanities.

In addition to publishing papers that focus on a single discipline, Journal of Arts and Humanities solicits interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research which integrates and cuts across various disciplines, such as Digi-linquistics, Literature and Philosophy,  Language and Communication studies; Educational Psychology, archaeological History, economic History in a meaningful and productive way. In this regard, the journal encourages multi-disciplinary authorship that fosters novel ideas and most importantly, encourages critical analysis. Each article in this journal is evaluated on its own scholarly merit and research integrity, and our expert academic editors take an objective and constructive approach to rigorous double blind review.