Editorial Team


Professor Theresia Nkuo-Akenji, Vice-Chancellor, The University of Bamenda

Professor Roselyn Jua, Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research Cooperation and the Business World, The University of Bamenda


Prof. Canute A. Ngwa, Dean, Faculty of Arts, The University of Bamenda (Social & Economic History)


Prof. Kometa Sunday S. (Geomorphology), Faculty of Arts, The University of Bamenda

Prof. Talla Richard Tanto, (Archeology & Cultural History) Faculty of Arts, The University of Bamenda

Prof. Fombe Lawrence F, (Planning & Development) Higher Institute of Transport & Logistics, The University of Bamenda

Prof. Muluh Henry Z.   (Media & Communication), Faculty of Arts, The University of Bamenda


Prof. Kometa Sunday S. (Geomorphology), Vice Dean/Research and Cooperation, Faculty of Arts, The University of Bamenda


David Toh Kusi (British Literature and ContempararyLiterary studies, Digital cultures/pedagogies), Head of Service for Research and Cooperation, Faculty of Arts, The University of Bamenda


Mbangwana Paul (English-Linguistics), BUST Bamenda

Victor Julius Ngoh (Political History), The University of Yaounde I

Verkijika Fanso (Political History), The University of Bamenda

Joseph Che Suh (Translation), The University of Buea

Vincent Tanda (Linguistics), The University of Bamenda

Mbuh Tennu Mbuh (British & Postcolonial Literature), The University of Bamenda

Fogwe Zephania (Environment & Development), The University of Bamenda

Paul Animbom (Communication, Film, Television, Theatre) The University of Bamenda

Cheo Victor (Environmental Communication), The University of Bamenda

Fidessous Sylvester (Environmental History), The University of Bamenda

Akoko Robert   (Anthropology), The University of Bamenda

Gilda N. Forbang-Looh (Postcolonial/American Literature), The University of Bamenda

Ngam Confidence (Political/Diplomatic History), The University of Bamenda

Grace Diaba (Linguistics & Gender Studies), The University of Ghana

Yenshu Emmanuel (Anthropology), The University of Buea

Adamu Pagmeshi (Postcolonial Studies), The University of Bamenda

Sibonile Edith E. (Linguistics & English language), The University of Botswana

Ngong Kelvin Toh (African & Comparative Literatures), The University of Bamenda

Mbanga Lawrence Akei (Rural Geography), The University of Bamenda

Mark Bolark Funteh (History), The University of Bamenda

Fai Lilian Wiysahnyuy (Education), The University of Bamenda

Takor Nixon (Social& Economic History), The University of Bamenda

Wega Simeu (Linguistics), The University of Bamenda

Sarrah Nsagha (Special Education), The University of Bamenda

Niba Mary Fonteh (Geography), The University of Bamenda

Peter Awoh (British Literature), The University of Bamenda

Seino Evangeline (Linguistics), The University of Bamenda

Djimeli Alexandre (communication & Media Studies), The University of Dschang

Mbi Jerome Tosam (Moral Philosophy), The University of Bamenda

Abolaji Moustapha (Linguistics), Lagos State University 

Nkemngong J. N. (British Literature & Cultural Studies), The University of Yaounde I

Stephen Mforteh (Sociolinguistics), The University of Yaounde I

Francis Beng Nyamnjoh (Social Anthropology), The University of Pretoria

Mirjam de Bruijn (Anthropology & Contemporary History) ASC Leiden


Ngwa Anita Neh